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Clamped Fin Fish Disease

Not indicative of one specific disease. Can be a reflection of various problems, including bad water quality and/or parasites.


  • Fins are folded against the body and not fanned out as they should be
  • Listless behaviour


First test the aquarium water to review overall water quality with a good quality test kit and conduct a partial water change to ensure healthy conditions. A good all round fungus treatment such as protozin should make a difference to most causes of clamped fin fish disease so treatment with this is a good place to start.


It is important to first determine the specific problem in order to treat fish properly. Good practice of adding 1 tbs. aquarium salt per gallon will help prevent clamped fins.

Tropical Fish Site takes no responsibility for diagnosing the exact problem with your tropical fish, this is purely meant as a guide only. Be sure to look at other common tropical fish diseases to ensure you have made the correct diagnosis as there is often crossover between them.