The well established and renowned brand Fluval is a part of the Hagen group of fish keeping products and in 2013...
Reviews Filters
Fish tank aquarium filter product reviews are key to helping you make the right choice about which filter will work best for you. We have covered various types of fish tank filter to suit different tanks and environments however the filter is the heart of the home aquarium system and is critical to ensuring the water which your fish are living is kept to an optimum condition. It is highly recommended that you ensure the right decision is made when choosing a fish tank filter and these reviews should help you along your way to making this decision.
The well established and renowned brand Fluval is a part of the Hagen group of fish keeping products and in 2013...
The long awaited Fluval FX6 from Hagen has finally arrived, but is this a match and better than the long...
I decided to set up some fry tanks under my main tank as I wish to concentrate on breeding tropheus...