Glass fish tanks, although very strong, are equally quite delicate when it comes to the surface of the glass and ease of scratching. Once scratched there is no turning back with a glass aquarium so what is the best way to clean your tank without the risk of scratching the glass? We may have found the solution for you, I present the Aqua-T Handy from JBL.

The most important thing to consider in your fish tank aquarium is the silicon which holds the panes of glass together which are the only things stopping your living room turning in to a shallow pond. In the past I have used a blade from a Stanley knife however this has scratched the glass and was very risky when using it near the silicone edges. The JBL Aqua-T Handy design tackles this potential risk by being wider in the body than the blade thereby stopping you from taking off the silicon when going down the edges. I’d still air on the side of caution when near silicon areas however it is still re-assuring that you are less at risk from JBL’s clever design.

The JBL Aqua-T Handy comes with one blade as already mentioned however a pack of 5 spare blades are also available. I have had this for a couple of months now and cleaned the glass very week with zero sign of corrosion or reduced effect from the blade so I am sure a spare pack of 5 blades will be enough to last you for a lifetime (literally!). It comes packed with a safety cover too which is essential as the blade is very sharp so be cautious when using this product and handling it without the safety cover clipped in place.

Below are a few images of my tank before and after using the JBL Aqua-T Handy. As you can see it has a massive impact and simply does what it says on the tin. I cleaned a 7 foot x 2 foot pane of glass in less than 5 minutes with very little elbow grease required. The JBL Aqua-T Handy simply glides over the glass and the algae falls off your tank restoring it back to its former glory. Most sections and types of algae will come off with just one scrape, tougher bits maybe 2 or 3 but very little pressure is required when scraping.

It is worth mentioning that the blade works better when the writing on the device “HANDY MK2” is facing the glass you are cleaning. It will work both ways round however this way seemed to be more efficient and less effort was required to remove the algae when it was used this way round.
Before using the JBL Aqua-T Handy MK2 Aquarium Glass Scraper

After using the JBL Aqua-T Handy MK2 Aquarium Glass Scraper

In summary I would highly recommend the Aqua-T Handy from JBL as a solid, reliable and clean solution which will be taking the place of my non-scratch kitchen scourer which used to do the job of cleaning my aquariums.
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