If you are looking for a solid and reliable source of high quality Malawi cichlids delivered to your door in the UK then Tony’s African Cichlids is the perfect place to start your search.
The range of cichlids available to buy from Tony’s African Cichlids is a strong representation of the most desirable fish available from Lake Malawi and Lake Victoria and any rift valley fish keeper would be proud to house the fish from Tony’s African Cichlid in their main display tank. They are of the highest quality and the website run by Tony and Clare is always kept up to date with what fish are available to buy.
The fish themselves, as I say, are of the highest quality, here are a few examples of fish we have received from them:

The sizes of fish are stated in cm and inches however these are true sizes and not exaggerated as some online sellers seem to do. If it says it is 8cm then it will be 8cm from head to start of tail. An 8cm Aulonocara for example is the same as the largest I have seen in a local fish store in a sump tank and is definitely a fully sexually mature adult which is ready for breeding.
Fish are normally sold as a pair (male and female) or as an unsexed group of 4 or 6. There are often specials and offers of individual fish (normally males) so if you are after a male only tank then you are still in luck. The website itself has got plenty of images and videos showing actual fish for sale so there’s no nasty surprises when they arrive at your door.
The delivery service offered is a pre 12 delivery or you could opt for a Saturday delivery and your fish will arrive in a standard poly box with heat pack inside and all fish individually packed. They operate a DOA policy too so you have piece of mind if anything should happen that you will not lose out.
My only issue with Tony’s African Cichlids is that I would like the option of Tanganyika Cichlids however I am sure that at some point in time the range will expand further to include these.
The prices of the fish are less than half what you would pay in store for a similar fish although it would be hard to find a fish store in the UK with such a wide range and high quality of fish so it’s well worth the investment.
Tony’s African Cichlids gets a massive thumbs up from Tropical Fish Site and we’d recommend anyone to purchase fish from them, I’m sure you would not regret it and would soon be back for more!
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